Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Art des nombres entiers

Today we had the chance to combine Math and Art!

Please ask me about my drawing: What did I find easy? What part was the most challenging? What creative extras did I add to make my Math artwork unique?

Our finished artworks will be posted in class - and on the blog - later this week. (Or next week if the snow keeps us away longer than expected.)


Today in Français, Mme Champagne was back with more high-end fashion fun! Take a look at the end results! How did we do with our oral directions? 

(Want to know more about this fun activity? See THIS POST.)



* Journée de chemise rose (Pink Shirt Day) - tomorrow (Wednesday) *

1. Daily reading with Je Lis or https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/

2. CFOO #7 - Opinions - le mardi 19 avril

*Presentation outline posted in Teams.

3. Badminton intramurals: Thursday at lunch

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