Hello! Happy Monday!
Today in Math we practiced comparing and ordering positive and negative integers (les nombres entiers) by playing the card game "War." Black suits represented positive numbers and red suits represented negative numbers. We kept track of which cards we turned each turn, determined which of the two numbers was bigger and then ordered them from smallest to biggest at the end of the game.
Please ask me how I did! Did I 'win' most rounds or did my partner? What strategy did I use to put the card values in order at the end of the game?
In Français, we started reviewing a new set of homophones this week: et / est. These words are some of the most frequently used in our writing, yet are some of the ones we mix up the most. Today, after writing down the definitions of the two words, we collaborated in our table groups and as a class to write sentences that include both "et" and "est." This is not as easy as it sounds! After a few tries, we got the hang of it and collectively came up with the four sentences posted below.
We will continue to do a variety of word work with et and est this week.
1. Daily reading with Je Lis or https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/
2. CFOO #7 - Opinions - le mardi 19 avril
*Presentation outline posted in Teams.
3. Badminton intramurals: Thursday at lunch
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