Monday, January 24, 2022


Hello! Happy Monday!

Here are a few pictures of us busy at work this morning!

Reading with a partner in French!

Sorting buttons in Science!



1. Maths - Calcul mental - Evaluation: tomorrow (Tuesday)

2. Maths - Feuille de mobile - tomorrow (Tuesday)

3. Lecture en français with Je Lis!

4. Français - Haiku "Chandail de hockey" - Project outline is now posted in Teams (Français) 
Final revised Haiku (typed in PowerPoint) is due by Friday, January 28

5. Français - CFOO #4 Opinions - Tuesday, February 1

6. Science: Tomatosphere extension activities will be handed back for review on later this week. Students will have the week to revise their work as needed. Revised projects will be due Monday, January 31.

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