Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Assembly Tuesday

Hello! Happy Tuesday!

This morning we celebrated our Chevalier learning with our monthly assembly! One grade 7 and one grade 8 class were featured and did a great job! It's so excited to see what types of learning are in store for us in the coming years! (And, our class was featured many times in the photo slideshow! So fun!)

After the assembly, we continued our morning with Math (ask me about the new game Mme taught us!), Français and Science.



1. Lecture en français with Je Lis!

2. Français - Haiku "Chandail de hockey" - Project outline is now posted in Teams (Français) 
Final revised Haiku (typed in PowerPoint) is due by Friday, January 28

3. Français - CFOO #4 Opinions - Tuesday, February 1

4. Science: Tomatosphere extension activities will be handed back for review on later this week. Students will have the week to revise their work as needed. Revised projects will be due Monday, January 31.

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