Hello! Happy Friday!
Important: Registration forms for the 2022-23 school year are coming home today! Please complete and return to the school no later than Friday, February 11.
Today in Math, the super fab Mme Scham was back with a new game to help us practice our foundational facts; we also had to work with strategy and hope for a bit of luck!
We started our turn by rolling two dice (we had the option of using 8-sided, 10-sided and 12-sided dice) and then choosing whether we wanted to add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers. The goal was to move from 0 to 100 as quickly as possible, but we also had to land exactly on 100, so we needed to choose our moves carefully.
After making it to 100, the game reversed and we counted backwards to land exactly on 0. And then, we upped the ante by adding in an option for points. So fun!
Please ask me about the game and if I was able to beat my opponent! |
Today in Science we completed a short classification assessment using dried beans.
We each received a small scoop of beans, and using a dichotomous key outline and a word wall, we wrote specific questions to organize the beans into groups and sub groups.
Mme took a picture of our final product and will test each of our dichotomous keys to see if she comes up with the same solution as us. If so, our keys were clear and successful!
Wishing you all a safe, warm weekend! :)
* Registration forms due Friday, February 11. *
1. NetMath - Livre "Trouver une valeur à l'aide d'une balance" - Sunday at 11:59pm
2. Lecture en français with Je Lis!
3. Français - Haiku "Chandail de hockey" - Project outline is now posted in Teams (Français)
Final revised Haiku (typed in PowerPoint) - OVERDUE - Please complete and submit in Teams ASAP.
4. Français - CFOO #4 Opinions - Tuesday, February 1
5. Science: Tomatosphere extension activities will be handed back for review on later this week. Students will have the week to revise their work as needed. Revised projects will be due Monday, January 31.
**Rescheduled to next week!**