Thursday, December 9, 2021

Tomato Plants and Tomato Haiku!

Hello! Happy Thursday!

The theme of this morning was tomatoes!

We had a chance to re-pot our tomato plants to bring home and also celebrated our tomatoes by writing and special tomato-themed Haiku! Many of us finished our drafts today and will be ready to publish our poems tomorrow. Be sure to check back to read our poetic words! 🍅



1. If you brought your tomato plant(s) home today, please be sure to set them up near a window and water them often! When time to replant again, there is no need to remove the plant from its current pot; the peat pot will break down in new soil allowing the roots to continue to grow and take root in its bigger home. Happy tomato growing! :)

2. Blue and Gold Day Tomorrow! - Wear blue, gold, or Bombers gear to cheer on our team in the Grey Cup this weekend! :)

3. Students have had their first two work periods for the Science "Tomatosphere Experiment Extension Project" that was introduced in class yesterday. Students will have a chance to work on this in class this week. Due date will be announced by Friday, but expect Friday, December 17.

4. French home reading with Je lis!

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