Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Math Word-problem Practice.

In preparation for the les multiples et facteurs word problems students will work on in class on Thursday, here are a few examples of similar-type questions they may work on at home to prepare.
Please note: word problems, such as those below, have been a part of our daily Math learning throughout this entire unit, so the questions should not be 'new' or impossible' or be met with a "we've never done this before." If your child has any questions, I will be happy to touch base with them over the noon hour tomorrow.
Happy Math practice! :)

[Indice: Les multiples. (Et par chance le ppcm peux t'aider.)]

(Indice: les multiples et le ppcm.)

(Indice: les facteurs)

(Indice: les facteurs (en dimensions) et le pgfc.)



1. Virtual Parent Conferences will be the evening of Thursday, November 18. Conference Manager is now open tomorrow for bookings: https://ness.schoolsoft.com/login.jsf  Please see the email sent home from the school office for more information.

2. Français - Good copy of 'les buts' - now OVERDUE. Presentations will continue tomorrow.

3. Math - Les multiples et facteurs word problems assessment - Thursday.

4. Science - Tomatosphere tasks that cannot be fully completed in class will be coming home to be completed - likely Wednesday evening.

5. French Home Reading! https://jelis.rkpublishing.com/student/

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