Monday, November 15, 2021

A Busy Week Ahead!

Hello friends of learning! Happy Monday!

As we approach the end of Term 1, we will have an especially busy week in class showing our learning in all three subjects so that Mme has the best picture possible as she sits down to write our report cards this coming weekend.

Here's what we will be working on this week:

Math: a short assessment on "les facteurs et le pgfc" tomorrow (Tuesday) and a word-problem task (involving les multiples et les facteurs) on Thursday.

Français: "les buts" final drafts are due tomorrow (Tuesday), oral presentations of "les buts" also starting tomorrow (Tuesday), more listening/viewing tasks and a short article study of Dia de los muertos, which we started in class this morning.

Science: Our Tomatosphere experiment has come to a close, and this week we will: complete our last daily observations, complete observation questions about the experiment overall, and graph our results using the data collected over the last 31 days.

Phew! There will not be a dull moment - or a moment to spare! - in room 208 this week!

Daily updates and reminders will continue to be posted here on the blog throughout the week. And, please note, that while a good amount of class time will be given to complete the above-listed tasks, there is a chance certain items will need to make their way home to be completed and reviewed over the week. I will also be available over the noon hour this week for students who prefer to complete their work at school. (Students will still head outside at the beginning of lunch, but then will have the option to eat and work/ask questions for the remainder of the noon hour if they choose.)

Many thanks in advance for your support this week!



1. Virtual Parent Conferences will be the evening of Thursday, November 18. Conference Manager is now open tomorrow for bookings:  Please see the email sent home from the school office for more information.

2. Français - Good copy of 'les buts' - due tomorrow (Tuesday). Presentations will also begin tomorrow.

3. Math - Short 'Les facteurs et le pgfc' assessment - tomorrow (Tuesday).

4. Math - Les multiples et facteurs word problems assessment - Thursday.

5. Science - Tomatosphere tasks that cannot be fully completed in class will be coming home to be completed - likely Tuesday and Wednesday evening.

6. French Home Reading!

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