Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wednesday Agenda Items



1. Lecture with Je Lis or

2. Francophone music with Ohdio - All students MUST have their music 'organigramme' sheet completed by tomorrow (Thursday). Please see task posted in Teams.

3. Math Ratios Motif -  Non-track students must have this task completed by the end of lunch hour on tomorrow (Thursday). Students who were away at track on Tuesday may take until the end of lunch hour on Monday to have the task completed. Task is posted in Teams.

4. Late/missing tasks: any students who have late/missing tasks will have the chance to work over the noon hour today (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday) to complete their work. This includes the tasks noted on the board as well as missed assessments and tasks being assigned in class this week (with the exception of the track students who missed the Math task today). Please check in with your child to see if there is anything they need to be working on before the end of the Term. Thank you for your support!

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