Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Paragraph review and agenda items

Hello! Happy Tuesday!
Today in Français we finished writing our song paragraphs, taking time to review/edit with a partner before handing in our final drafts.
Please ask me about the songs I chose. Why are they my favourite?



** Please sign and return field trip forms by Friday, June 17. (See THIS POST for more info!) **

1. Lecture with Je Lis or https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/

2. Song paragraphs - We continued working on our song paragraphs in class today. Using teacher-created writing models and a vocabulary chart as our guide, we are piecing our song notes together into complete, descriptive sentences. Students will no longer receive time in class to work on this task. All paragraphs due no later than end of morning Thursday.

3. Math Ratios Motif -  This task is now overdue. Task is posted in Teams and should be completed and submitted in Teams as soon as possible.

4. Soccer play-off schedule:

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