Hello! Happy Thursday!
Today in Science we were tasked with designing and building a simple aircraft.
Using a plastic straw as the main fuselage, we added and modified different wing-types using different types of paper to see which design would fly best.
After each design and test, we wrote down our observations and noted what modifications we planned on making to our aéronef before the next test.
We will finish up our final tests and conclusions on Monday. Please ask me about my aéronef designs and what I found flew best so far!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend! :)
** Please sign and return field trip forms by Friday, June 17. (See THIS POST for more info!) **
1. Lecture with Je Lis or https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/
2. Song paragraphs - We started writing short paragraphs in class today about 2 of our new favourite Francophone songs! Using teacher-created writing models and a vocabulary chart as our guide, we began piecing our song notes together into complete, descriptive sentences. Students will receive more time in class on Monday to work, but taking time to do some writing/editing over the weekend is certainly an option! Both short paragraphs will be due no later than end-of-morning Tuesday. An overview of the writing task is posted in Teams.
3. Math Ratios Motif - Non-track students - this task is now overdue. Students who were away at track on Tuesday may take until the end of lunch hour on Monday to have the task completed. Task is posted in Teams.
4. Soccer play-offs schedule:
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