Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday/weekend agenda items

Have a great weekend!



1. Lecture with Je Lis or

2. Track and Soccer schedules are now posted as separate posts: TRACK  SOCCER

3. Short Science assessment on "les fluides" - Monday, June 6

What to review: 

* what 2 states of matter are considered fluids
* the 5 properties of fluids
* examples of fluids and non-fluids
* why is water a fluid
* why is sand/rice/sugar/salt not considered a fluid
* what is an example of "l'air s'école" (air flows) - be ready to explain and draw
* how does a hot air balloon floating in the sky show the 5 properties of fluids?

4. Math - complete the 4 NetMaths books assigned in class this morning. See assignment in Teams for details.

5. In-class independent "les rapports" (ratio) questions - Monday, June 6
* Identify les rapports partie-à-partie and partie-à-tout.
* Word problems involving les rapports (scaling recipes, for example)

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