Friday, May 6, 2022

Subtraction with decimal numbers, PEDMAS puzzles and a Science review activity!

Can you solve the equation 9,3 - 4,8? How many ways can you show your work?

We are currently practicing four different mental math strategies to show our thinking.

Using these four strategies, try solving the following equations (WITHOUT using the traditional algorithm): 7,1 - 5,9  and  8,4 - 3,6.

How did you do? What other questions can you try?


In Math, we are also continuing our work with the priority of operations.
Today in class we practiced our calculations using popsicle stick puzzles! Fun!
The next time we need to answer a skill-testing question to win a prize, we will be ready! :)


In Science, we spent some time working in groups to review important vocabulary for our upcoming assessment. Through discussion and collaboration, we grouped terms together based on communalities. Ex: Animal, giraffe, complexe, peut se déplacer, vertébré could all be placed together.

Please ask me about the words I sorted. What could I put together easliy? What words/concepts do I need to review in order to be ready for the assessment on Tuesday? 

Have a great, sunshiny weekend! 🌞



1. Lecture with Je Lis or

2. Science assessment - les vertébrés et invertébrés - Tuesday, May 10

Review outline posted below:

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