Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Résumé Wednesday!

Hello friends of learning!

Today in Français we began writing our résumés for our Zamboni novel study.

Using a model text from the "Chandail de Hockey" story we studied back in January and a graphic organizer, we broke down the résumé into small chunks and identified key parts and words that helped retell the story in a simple and direct way.

We were then able to discuss the story in small groups before sitting down and writing our résumé independently.

We will have a chance again tomorrow to review and complete our résumés before Mme reads and assesses them.


**SPIRIT WEEK is next week! Click HERE for all the fun!**


1. Lecture en français with Je Lis!

2. If you are away, please check Teams (Français) for your Zamboni reading and questions. We have now started our book summary writing task in class and will continue with revisions tomorrow. Please ensure you have read the book in its entirety so that you are ready to complete this task. Happy reading!

3. Short Science assessment (les 5 règnes et exemples) - tomorrow (Thursday)

4. Science "extra-terrestres" projects were handed back in class today. Students have the option to make revisions to their work if they would like to improve their overall indicator. All revisions must be turned in NO LATER than Monday.

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