Friday, February 11, 2022

Mystery Math and les grattes-ciels!

Hello! Happy Friday!

Today in Math we finished reading the book Mystery Math by David Adler. This book introduced us to how we can use letters in Math to help us solve Math mysteries. We will be exploring the idea of writing equations using letters (variables) in Math starting next week.

Also in Math, Mme introduced us to the activity "Les grattes-ciels" (Skyscrapers) which we worked on in randomized groups of 3. Please ask me about the rules of the game and how my group did!

Have a great weekend! Stay warm!



* School registration forms due Friday, February 11. *

1. Lecture en français with Je Lis!

2. Calcul mental - Section B - Monday

3. Reminder: Brouillons - Haiku - OVERDUE
*If you did not hand in your brouillons to Mme today, please remember to bring your Haiku brouillons to school ASAP!

4. Hilroy scribbler for Français - ASAP

5. CFOO#5 - Créativité - Thursday, February 17

6. Science - Projet - Classification - Les extras-terrestres.
Final projects due in class Tuesday, February 22.
(Project outline is also posted in Teams)

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