Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Can you solve this Math problem?

Hello! Happy Tuesday!

Today we started our Math bloc with this question (except ours' was in French).
What information in the question can help us? What digit can we place even before getting started on finding the solution? Happy calculating! :)



* School registration forms due Friday, February 11. *

1. Lecture en français with Je Lis!

2. Calcul mental - Section A - jeudi

3. Reminder: Brouillons - Haiku - OVERDUE
*If you did not hand in your brouillons to Mme today, please remember to bring your Haiku brouillons to school ASAP!

4. Hilroy scribbler - Students who do not yet have a scribbler for their Français written work are encouraged to bring one to school next week. We will be starting a novel study in Français and having one spot to keep all reading responses will help students keep their work organized.
(*It does not need to be Hilroy brand. If students already have a scribbler for Français, they do not need an additional cahier.)

5. Science - Projet - Classification - Les extras-terrestres.
Final projects due in class Tuesday, February 22.
(Project outline is also posted in Teams)

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