Hello! Happy Wednesday! Happy December!
We started our day today with our November (virtual) assembly!
We finished our morning with Math. Today we created our NetMath accounts and had a chance to log into the NetMath site and complete the intro booklet that introduced us to how working in NetMath works. We will mostly be using this site in class, but students can access their account from home as well, and may be asked to finish-up class-assigned tasks from time to time. (A link to the NetMath site has been added under the 'Helpful Websites' menu on the right-hand side of the blog page).
Please ask me about some of the questions and tasks I completed during the "intro à NetMath" task I completed today!
1. Report cards emailed home from school office today.
2. Supply bins being sent home tomorrow (Thursday) for weekend organization!
3. Francais - CFOO#2 - Créativité. Presentations are Tuesday, December 7.
* Project outline is posted in Teams. Visual supports can be submitted to Teams as well.
4. French home reading with Je lis! https://jelis.rkpublishing.com/student/
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