Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Lest We Forget

 Together as a school community we gathered virtually to honour those who fought for our freedom.

After the ceremony, we took time to reflect independently about the ceremony, about 

what Remembrance Day means to us and what we are thankful for.

Thank you to all the soldiers who fought and the ones who fought and died. We are all very thankful for the men and women who fought to protect us and our families. It takes a lot of kindness to fight for your country and risk your life, so thank you. To those who we lost, may they rest in peace.

I thought that is was kind of the soldiers to go and help the kids in Afghanistan and respect all of the soldiers that passed.

Some people died or got really injured for us. If World War III could happen at any time and lots of people in this generation will risk their lives - some new and some again - I, too, would do it if I had to.

Remembrance Day is a day about the people who fought in the war to give us peace in Canada but many lives were taken during these wars. These wars have not continued but this day, everybody will remember those who gave their lives for peace.

Je suis reconnaissante pour les personnes qui sont membre de l'armée et aussi pout mon frère qui est un élève-officier.

I remember those who help us get through the soldiers passing away and making them better.

I remember the people who died and fought for us.

I remember those who fought for us so we can live in peace.

I remember my great-grandparents who were in World War II. They passed away in 2016 and this year (COVID).

Remembrance Day is not just about remembrance. It's also about reconciliation.

Thank you for serving in the wars to protect us.

May God bless the families who have lost loved ones in a war.

If the fallen were here right now, I would say 'Thank you for your service.'

Merci à tous qui ont servi dans les guerres.

I am thankful for al the people that fought for Canada.

I remember those who died for us and fought for us.

Je suis reconnaissant qu'on n'est pas dans une guerre maintenant.

Thank you for your service. Merci de votre service.

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