Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Happy Tuesday!

Hello! Happy Patterns Day!

We had a busy morning together reviewing our classroom beliefs, working on Halloween-inspired Math puzzles, observing our tomatoes, writing and reviewing the first draft of our goals and doing a quick rapid-fire round of predictions for the short story we will be studying this week. Phew!

Be sure to check out the agenda items below to make sure you're up to date!

Have a great afternoon! :)



1. Vaccination forms (from the Winnipeg Access Centre) were sent home yesterday. Please sign and return (even if your child will not be vaccinated at school) by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29.

2. Spirit Week - Is This Week! (See THIS POST).

** Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Jersey Day! **

3. Ness clothing on sale until Friday, October 29! (See THIS POST).

4. Math mini-évaluation on les multiples - tomorrow (Wednesday)

5. First rough draft of 'Les buts' due tomorrow (Wednesday).
(If you don't anticipate being able to finish your draft in class tomorrow, please consider spending some time writing this evening. Here is the sample Mme wrote with us in class today. The black writing is what we use, and we substitute the blue text with our own goal and action plan).

6. CFOO #1 - Opinion (See explanation in post above) - Tuesday, November 2. (See THIS POST for a CFOO explanation).

7. Read, read, read! https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/

8. L’horaire pour la chorale. It's not too late to join! Next meeting is tomorrow (Wednesday) after school. Let Mme Careen know if you are interested.

Jour 2 4h45 – 5h15 (TEAMS)

Jour 3 période 1 (par cohorte, donc pas chaque fois pour chaque élève)

Jour 6 4h45 – 5h15 (TEAMS)

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