Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Day 3!

Hello learning friends! Another great morning in Room 208 for the books!

Today we: 

- visited our school library for the first time

- had Santé (Ed. Phys) with M. d'Auteuil

- listened to Mme read us another great picture book

- shared in small groups about one item we would love to bring with us to school (any item, any size, no matter how silly or unlikely!)

- worked in randomized groups on a tangram challenge

Check us out below! :)

Did Mme Careen ever mention she loves picture books? Because she really, really does!
We are working in groups to solve tangram puzzles!

Ta da! Each group was able to solve at least one of three puzzles! Bravo! What great team work!



1. Please send back school forms ASAP!

2. Say Cheese! Picture Day is tomorrow (Wednesday)!

3. Please check in with me about my supplies - do I have everything I need? We added an extra duotang and Hilroy-type scribbler to the list (so, three of each total) with the possibility of a few more items being requested in the coming days. (See yesterday's post for a picture of the list.)

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